
Once upon a time, a girl woke up and thought she'd like to share her thoughts. At first, she felt lost, since she didn't know if all her thoughts can be shared. On her way to find her place in the internet world, she realised, she can publish whatever she loves, so here we go...

Friday, 21 March 2014

Yoga Workshop

Yesterday I was asked by my dear friend and excellent yoga teacher, Andrea Lengova, to create a simple leaflet about her upcoming workshop in David Lloyd fitness centre. I've been her student for many years now and it's always a pleasure for me to work with/for her, so there's no surprise I was once again honoured to create some marketing material for her. She was very satisfied with the design and I hope you like it too.
The workshop will be held in David Lloyd Luton centre (as I mentioned before) on 10th of May from 2-6pm; unfortunately, it's members only. I highly recommend to all members to book your space, you won't regret it!

(Design is my own and it's subjected to copyright matter.)


  1. My dear friend, thank you sooo much for your time, for being so fast and creative and the outcome is just awesome! x x x
    p.s.: Lenonky rulez - we are cool! ;)



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