
Once upon a time, a girl woke up and thought she'd like to share her thoughts. At first, she felt lost, since she didn't know if all her thoughts can be shared. On her way to find her place in the internet world, she realised, she can publish whatever she loves, so here we go...

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Book Cover Design

How To Be Happy In Everyday Life...

A good friend of mine planned to write a book for a long time but she didn't know where to start or what to actually write about. Then she just started to write about a life generally and a few months later there was a book. I had an honour to be among a few people who could read the draft version and I was really excited about it. Now she's dealing with last "cosmetic" changes and the book will be ready for print. 

And where is the connection with me?? Well, she asked me to make a book cover design proposal for her and I felt very touched by her request, so I tried to exceed all her expectations and make something very special for her first book ever. 

Please, leave a comment how you like it (:

Design is my own and is subjected to copyright

The book is about "the small things" which can improve or change your life to a better version (: It might be a long drive to get there but you surely can live happily-ever-after life if you follow those smart suggestions, which my friend has shared in her book (:


  1. I just love it! :) You are the BEST! Thank you so much for your help, time and patience with my crazy ideas :P

  2. ANYTIME - ANYWHERE!!! It was my pleasure to cooperate with you in preparing your first writing project - I enjoyed every minute of it (: I wish you looots of luck, darling!



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